Monday, May 28, 2012

Everyday I try to find something to make me happy. To motivate me. Today is one of those days that asides giving thanks to my Maker for life, everything else seems to be dragging - including my body.

I realize that my body doesn't move much anymore (any surprise that i'm bigger?), and neither does my mind. Oh it moves in the office - thinking about how to make the next sale and how to conjure up the words and activity for a tender and all that, but it's not movement that moves ME. So I decided that today, I'm going to write.

I'm going to write because I am at once happy to be in a world other than mine, peeping through other people's windows, observing the random musings and workings of their minds as they go through situations in places I created. I am also petrified by the thought that no one will like it and it will end up in an old unwanted writings home. But the second thought never stays with me long - it is fulfillment enough for me that i managed to put pen to paper, and that i finished the job.

My day job - heck my only job - is there i think, to prove to myself that I am intelligent, and smart, and can hold my own against some of the country's finest. Check. And it's on days like this morning that i wonder if i won't make a good housewife, and I'm really just being a hard nut. And then i remember what I'm capable of when left without work to do, and that gets me going.

I can think of any number of things i'd rather do - write and publish a book. Or two. Or more. My head's constantly going over and thinking of new business ideas - none of which i have time for.

So over the course of today, I'm going to write a short story, based on a few lines someone wrote on

I will make time.

Fingers crossed :)